Dr Gina Higginbottom is a distinguished professor and award winning, academic, consultant and researcher.. She is a qualified nurse, midwife and health visitor and her clinical career as a nurse spans 22 years. Gina completed her PhD at the University of Sheffield and she is the recipient of a number of prestigious awards, a Canada Research Chair (renewed, a recognition of research excellence by peers), a Nursing Research Scholar of the Smith and Nephew Foundation, a Mary Seacole Leadership Award holder and her PhD was supported by a prestigious National Primary Care Research Fellowship, Gina was the first health visitor to receive this award. In 1998 she was awarded an MBE for services to young people and Health Promotion. Her expertise is focused on ethnicity and health with strong dimension focused on international migration and maternity.
She is Visiting Professor at University of Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University and has held Visiting Professorships at the University of Sao Paolo, Riberao Preto, Brazil, the University of California Davis and the University of Pennsylvania, the United States, the University of Almeria, Spain and at the University of Karolinska, Stockholm, Sweden. Her international networks and collaborations are extensive via virtue of her grant acquisition and research trainee supervision and includes links with Canada, Brazil, the US, Ghana, Australia, Sweden, Spain, Pakistan, and South Africa.
Dr Gina Higginbottom is Co-covener of ICCHNR (http://icchnr.org/) and a member of the Chief Nurse for England’s Black Minority Ethnic Advisory Group.
You can follow Dr Gina on Twitter @GinaAwokoH and use this site to view Gina ‘s recent news and achievements.
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