Dr Higginbottom has createdthe book – “Participatory Qualitative Research Methodologies in Health
It was published: 2015 and was edited by Gina Higginbottom and Pranee Liamputtong.
Prof Higginbottom holds a substantive publication record and her Sage Publications text book ‘Participatory Qualitative Research Methodologies in Health’ http://methods.sagepub.com/book/participatory-qualitative-research-methodologies-in-health demonstrates her commitment to participatory models of research.
In participatory research (PR), words like collaboration, communication, exploitation and responsiveness are significant. The very nature of PR demands attention to such notions and to the way that they are conceptualized and enacted by those involved. Research ethics in PR projects goes beyond the issues related to the specific research methods utilized, which can range from quantitative to qualitative to historical and beyond. Fundamental research concerns, such as informed consent, confidentiality and anonymity can take on a new complexity. Given that change is core to PR, the roles assumed by academic researchers, community representatives and project funders (and the power associated with such roles) demand attention and negotiation. This is true of group dynamics …
Book Contents
Chapter 1 | What is Participatory Research? Why do it?
Chapter 2 | Addressing Ethical Issues in PR: The Primacy of Relationship
Chapter 3 | Designing Participatory Research Projects
Chapter 4 | Data Management, Analysis and Interpretation
Chapter 5 | Drawing Conclusions from Your Research
Chapter 6 | Engaging Older People in Participatory Research
Chapter 7 | Involving Children and Youth in Participatory Research
Chapter 8 | Conceptualizing Inclusive Research – A Participatory Research Approach with People with Intellectual Disability: Paradigm or Method?
Chapter 9 | Diverse Ethno-cultural Groups and the Use of Participatory Research
Chapter 10 | The Relationship between Engaged Scholarship, Knowledge Translation and Participatory Research
Chapter 11 | Community–University Partnerships: A Case Study
Chapter 12 | Information and Communications Technologies and the Potentials for Participatory Research
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